This F chord version is perfect for those who have yet to develop finger strength and dexterity. The only difference is that this F chord alternative has your fingers not stretched to the hilt. If you look at the position of your fingers, it looks like a C major chord. You will have to avoid hitting the 1 st, 5 th, and 6 th strings. To make this version sound like the classic F chord, you will only strum the strings covered by your fingers. You cannot strum all six strings because you will end up with a sound far different from the original F chord. Complete the form by pressing the 4 th string on the 3 rd fret with your ring finger. Next, position your 2 nd finger on the adjacent fret’s 3 rd string. First, place your index finger on the 1 st fret’s 2 nd string. This easy F chord version only has three notes, using three fingers. It makes sense to assume that the F major chord also has an open chord version like the G chord. The F chord has the same shape as the G barre chord. There has to be a better, more comfortable, and easier way to play the F chord without pushing your fingers’ abilities to the hilt. Many aspiring guitarists end up abandoning their dreams because of the strict fingering requirement of the F chord. Your thumb is the only digit you will never use when playing the F major guitar chord. Your 4 th finger or pinky will take care of the 4 th string on the 3 rd fret. Using your 3 rd finger, press on the 3 rd fret’s 5 th string. Press the 3 rd string on the 2 nd fret with your 2 nd finger. To form the classic F major chord, place your first finger over the six strings on the 1 st fret. Given that this is rare, you might want to ditch the idea. This method would be okay if the song only has an F chord. You might be tempted to use a capo on the 1 st fret. The classic F chord is similar in shape to the barre chord version of G major.

This guitar chord requires a bar on your instrument’s 1 st fret. While it is notorious for creating calluses on beginner guitarists’ fingertips and taxing their first fingers beyond their imagination, the classic F major chord shape is quite easy to form.
#F bar cord how to
It would be foolish to go straight to the alternative F major versions if you do not have an inkling of how to play the classic F chord on your guitar. A Simpler Three-Note, Two-Finger F Guitar Chord Version.The Standard Shape of the F Guitar Chord.